I’m sure that almost all of us are not using the right commands to simply the work in CATIA. For me it’s important to find commands that save time, because I work with large assemblies and I must hide and show parts, create lines, point, curves, planes etc. and it’s important to find a way […]
Create rapid links to most used CATIA modules
It’s simple to do that and save time! If you read my articles probably you find that I want to simplify the work with CATIA shortcuts or links. Today I saw one of my colleagues who was struggling to find a way to one CATIA module that he want to find it using the Start […]
First steps in CATIA General Structural Analysis – beginner tutorial
A short tutorial about how to use the principal steps in CATIA Analysis and simulation -> General Structural Analysis module. It is simple now to find the limit of materials and how to make a part without resistance problems.
How to lock toolbar position in CATIA
Today, I had another problem with CATIA, I wanted to lock toolbar position because each time when I opened a new toolbar from another, the position was changed or closed.
Export a section in CATIA V5 from Assembly module
I want to show you today another interesting tutorial of the CAD program named CATIA V5. I will explain to you, how to make an assembly and export a section in to a CATPart. Is very easy to do that and is recommended when you want to make some measurements between one or more parts in […]
Create a raster image and import in CATIA
It is simple to rasterize image using special software and to import the raster in CATIA. It’s simple to use, and very useful when you have to draw a plane sketch from an image.