It’s simple to do that and save time! If you read my articles probably you find that I want to simplify the work with CATIA shortcuts or links.
Today I saw one of my colleagues who was struggling to find a way to one CATIA module that he want to find it using the Start menu from CATIA. To save time, I use CATIA Workbench toolbar, that is an shortcut that allow me to put in all of my most used toolbars. If you don’t have this toolbar active, you can activate it from View -> Toolbars -> Workbench.
The next step in creation of the CATIA modules links in CATIA Workbench toolbar is to put in here all of most used modules. Below you can find my Workbench which is populated with most used modules.
To add modules in CATIA workbench you should navigate to, Tools -> Customize, and in Start Menu tab you have all modules available in left column, and on the right Favorite column. To add, for example Assembly Design module at favorite, you must select it and press the right arrow. To eliminate one module from Favorites select the module that you want to remove and press left arrow.
As you can see, below of both columns we have Accelerator. This function allows us to use the keyboard shortcuts from CATIA to open one module. For Assembly module you could use the combination CTRL + SHIT + ALT + Assembly, for Part Design module CTRL + SHIT + ALT + Part Design.
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