This article will help you to save much time and also to do an accurate work because is almost complete automatically to do. In a short description, you have a 3D part with a lot of points. You need after that to make the execution drawing where you need to have all coordinates of points. […]
Save/Export assembly in igs, step, stl format in CATIA V5
It’s easy to save/export in CATIA any format that you want, parts or entire assembly in formats like .stl, .igs, .model, .stp, 3dmap, 3dxml, .cgr, .wrl, etc. To do that you must have all parts that you want to save into a single assembly (you can have other assemblies into an assembly also). After that […]
Assembly Design Tutorial CATIA V5 – beginner tutorial
To make an assembly in CATIA V5 is not a very hard thing to do; all you should do is to make the right constraints and to know few frequent used commands in this CATIA module. I think you know some things about Assembly module of CATIA, but I want to be sure that you […]
Formula parameterization in CATIA V5 – beginner tutorial
It is my first CATIA Tutorial about parameterization in CATIA V5 using Formula command. It is simple and very useful when you want to create a single part with possibility to change fast multiple dimension and features.
How to make a threaded hole in CATIA V5
Today I will show you a simple way to generate a thread hole in Part Design and after that how to represent this hole in Drafting. To do that, I recommend to watch the below video.
How to change the language in CATIA V5-V6
If you want to change the language of CATIA V5-V6 for first time I’m sure that you will try to find the option of change in Option menu, but you will have a surprise. You will not find this option in this menu.