A simple but power-full tool is CATIA V5 is the Mass section, from where you can find very fast the main dimensions and weights of a part or of an assembly. To be more precise is very important to have assigned to each PartBody an material, You need to have on your interface active the […]
Part Design
CATIA V5 Video tutorial #4 – Radius, Chamfer, Pocket, Mirror
The 4th CATIA V5 video tutorial comes with a little big more commands used to create the final part. At the first look, the execution drawing looks more complicated for a beginner, but instead is very easy to be created without big problems. You must only exercise your skills. For execution drawing of part #004 […]
CATIA V5 Video tutorial #3 – Sketch, Shaft, Pocket
A new tutorial comes out. Now we have same simple part, but created using a new command, Shaft. This command use a closed profile that is revolved around an axis. This command is used when we have a symmetric part. Is a very used feature. For more details watch the below video. See the execution […]
CATIA V5 Video tutorial #2 – Sketch, Pad, Pocket, Pattern
This is the second video tutorial about how to create simple parts. This tutorial is specially created for beginners in CATIA V5, persons that want to learn how to use CATIA to create different parts. See below the execution drawing for part #002.
CATIA V5 Video tutorial #1 – Part Design, Sketch, Pad and Pocket
This is the first tutorial in CATIA V5 for beginners. You can find the principles of conception parts using CATIA V5 from Dassault System. You can find in the below video tutorial how to create a simple part using most used commands in CATIA like Sketcher, Pad and Pocket. You can download the execution drawing […]