This is first post about questions that I received by email or face to face from my colleagues. So, if you want to ask me a question, you can do using Facebook, Contact CATIA Blogger page or using comment form at this post. Let’s begin with first question.
- Hide/ Show CATIA tree
I want to hide or display the CATIA tree (or SILVER BLUE) for better visibility of my pieces. How to do?
“F3” key to hide / show the construction tree (or silver tree)
- Check not freezed instances
How to check not freezed instances in a blue window?
Use the south compass to check not freezed instances.
- Group elements
How to group elements in blue window?
You can group elements by select them (hold CTRL key when you want to select more than one part) and after than right click on a selected part go to Selected objects -> Change Geometrical Set… and choose the Destination.
- Compare products
I want to compare two products in New PDM, how to do?
Go to Digital Mockup/ Digital Review. Use the function: Tools/ Analyze/ Compare products.
- Digital review
How to use reviews?
Reviews are to be created under a CATIA Product (CPO). Right click on the CPO / Insert / Reviews
Once created, use “Digital Review” (Digital Mockup/ Digital Review)
Then it’s possible to create annotations like text, dimensions, sections etc. In order to make an observation of the CPO environment. It’s possible to create one or several slides for a better visualization.
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