If you are beginner in CATIA I’m sure that you will have some problems with the tree at first, because accidentally you can make a combination of keyboard keys and mouse and you`ll increase the font size of all components from the tree or other similar problems.
1. CATIA Tree manipulation case one – click on branches
One of the most frequently problem with CATIA tree appears when you put one click on the tree branches. You will see a change for luminosity of your parts (assemblies). To remove that you should click again on a tree branch. That it’s all.
2. CATIA Tree manipulation case two – resize the font size
To make the font size a little bigger or smaller you should:
– hold CTRL key and use mouse scroll or,
– hold left click on one tree branch click on time on the scroll button and after that make a zoom. This method is a little bit more complicated.
3. CATIA Tree manipulation case three – tree disappear
If you see that your CATIA tree is absent from you work space, we have two situations:
– the tree was hidden – to make it reappear you should press the F3 keyboard key. The F3 key is the shortcut for hide/unhide the tree;
– the tree is visible but isn`t on your workspace – this situation appears when you use mouse scroll, up or down. To make it visible I recommend to use Center Graph on any visible part from your CATPart. To do that, use Right Click -> Center Graph.
For questions use comment form.
I have problem with my structure tree. The case is that I don’t know how to exit tree view manipulation. For instance when I try to zoom in on my part project the tree is being moved up instead. Also nothing happens when I try to rotate the view. Clicking on the tree with LMB doesn’t really help much.
What can I do to fix that?
Please attach a printscreen to better understand your problem.
Press f3 it will hide the tree
in my catia screen x,y,z,planes are not visible f3 key is not working in laptop so please give me solution for this problem
When ever I open the CATIA part file, I see the Structure tree is opened and I need go to VIEW- Tree Expansion-Collapse all to solve this issue.
May I know, why this is issue occurs when ever I open any part files?
and Let me know, how to get ride this issue?
Try to go to Tools -> Options -> General -> Display -> Tree Manipulation and uncheck Automatic expand activation.
Tell me if works.
Hi sir,
This is not working for me.
Please let me know a solution for the ‘TREE DISAPPEAR’.
Thanks in advance.
Its very helpfull, thanks Mr shifu
i have a question regarding my tree.
is it posibble to move the branches possition, like if i created body, reference geometry, body again. is it possible to move the last body branch and move it up one space so the geometrical set is at last or movesments like that one
my email is reyesvg85@gmail.com
thanks in advance
Hello Sir,
I Have Problem Regarding Structure Tree.It’s Did’nt Found In Part Design As Wll As Assembly design.
What Can I Do For That Issue.
Shubham Chavan
Hi dear,
My tree in Catia is not big enough and in the biggest situation i can not read it.
How can i change it to bigger?
If F3 key shortcut is not working. How do I hide / unhide the tree by navigating through menus?
F3 key is not working due to remote access of the computer and I cannot resolve this. I’ve tried the options display menu but this didn’t work and I cannot seem to find a workaround.